I have been defending clients for 15 years against cease-and-desist letters
in the areas of copyright law, competition law and trademark law. Benefit from my experience.
Carl Christian Müller, LL.M
Certified Specialist for Media- and Copyrightlaw
Frommer Legal Warning - the most important facts in brief:
Stay calm
Nothing is as bad as it looks. We have extensive experience with warning letters from Frommer Legal. We are here to help!
Do not sign anything
Do not sign anything that you might not need to sign. Often, we can confer with Frommer Legal and renegotiate the conditions of the cease and desist letter.
Royalties? Do not pay the required amount!
The payment entitlements are in most cases excessive and can be reduced depending on the particularities of each case. The wrong reaction to the warning letter can lead to higher costs. Our goal is that you pay nothing or significantly less.
Free of charge initial assessment
Send us the warning letter you received by Frommer Legal and we are able to give you an individual recommended course of action. We answer all your questions about the warning letter from Frommer Legal.
Take action and defend yourself!
After reading the Frommer Legal warning letter most of our clients believe that they do not stand a chance when dealing with copyright infringement. This is the goal the warning letter intends to achieve. In fact, it is often the case that many of our clients who received this type of warning letter are not culpable and therefore not liable at all. They then do not have to sign anything and also do not have to pay nothing. This is precisely our goal.
Over the past 15 years we have advised and defended clients in matters concerning warning letters from Frommer Legal. We have extensive experience from several thousand cases. We will fight on your side. We will not only keep an eye on your legal interests, but also on your economic interests, at all times.
Below you will find the most important information on a Frommer Legal warning letter.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
What to do with a Frommer Legal warning letter?
At this point we can already stress that doing nothing will not solve the problem. You need to become active and the take the initiative. Resignation is the wrong response to a Frommer Legal warning letter, since this law firm, from our experience, is very persistent. Below are some tips as to how you should deal with a Frommer Legal warning letter. Meanwhile we have experience from thousands of file-sharing notices and provide you a summary of the questions that reach us most often. Take advantage of our offer of a guaranteed free initial consultation and get more information. We're here to help.
Who is Frommer Legal?
Frommer Legal (formerly Waldorf Frommer) is probably the most well-known law firm in Germany when it comes to warning letters on filesharing. The law firm is based in Munich and employs around 60 lawyers, specialized on copyright and its legal enforcement. With her numerous lawyers Frommer Legal is by far the most active law firm in this field. Frommer Legal represents major and high-ranking media companies, therefore any Frommer Legal warning letters should always be taken seriously. You too could benefit from a reliable and competent partner by your side. We at abmahnung.sos-recht.de will be happy to help with your case. After a free of charge initial consultation we can already clarify some questions and discuss the prospects of success in your case in detail.
Could a Frommer Legal warning letter be fake, a rip-off or a fraud?
The answer to this question is straight up: No! Although there have been reported cases in the past that fake warning letters from Frommer Legal have been sent by mass email, this is not common. If you have received the Frommer Legal warning letter by post you can assume that it is actually a Frommer Legal warning letter and must be taken seriously! Although a warning letter could in theory be sent via email, this is not common pactice for file-sharing warning letters issued by Frommer Legal. The warning letters from this law firm are always sent by post and have the same structure.
Do not sign anything
Do not sign a cease-and-desist declaration without checking. This is a lifetime contract that only entails obligations.
Pay nothing
Even in the case of basically justified warning letters, the amounts demanded are not infrequently translated. Our goal: You pay nothing or significantly less.
Free Consultation
Use our service and send us the warning letter. We will answer your question individually and assess your chances of success.
Structure and appearance of a Frommer Legal warning letter
We at SOS ABMAHNUNG have already handled a large number of Frommer Legal warning letters, so we can also briefly tell you something about the structure of them.
On the right edge of a Frommer Legal warning letter you will see a list of all lawyers who work for Frommer Legal. We often hear that the large number of lawyers seems to have a "frightening" and "overwhelming" effect on our clients. But even here we can only advise you to keep calm and seek legal assistance. Out of experience we know that a free of charge first call with us, will be enough to give you more confidence about this matter.

In addition to the list of lawyers, there is usually a 10-digit file number which starts with the year number (for example 17PPxxxxxx). The notice will also indicate a contact person who is usually the lawyer working on your case.
In addition, you will find typical formulations of the letter, as the law firm likes to present the facts clearly and to explain them thoroughly. For example, you will see headlines such as "Why are we writing to you'', ''How did we find you'' and "How is the case to be assessed legally?" to justify the notice and to explain the procedures.
Last but not least, it is typical for you to be given two deadlines. A rather shorter deadline for the delivery of the required cease and desist declaration and another rather longer deadline for the payment of the claimed amount.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
Which claims does the notice contain?
As already mentioned, Frommer Legal's warning letters have a very similar structure and content. Therefore, we can also give you an overview of the claims the law firm Frommer Legal regularly makes. These claims are usually summarized as follows:
"What is our client claiming?".
Under this point, the Frommer Legal lawyer will state that their client has a right to demand immediate cessation of the activity (filesharing). In addition, their client is required by law to warn you (as infringer) of the instigation of a legal action against you and to summon you to deliver a cease and desist declaration. This procedure is intended to relieve the burden on the courts and give the parties a chance to reach an out-of-court settlement without additional court costs.
In addition, it is usually pointed out that the warning letter includes a standard cease and desist declaration which is confined to the alleged infringement.
Compensation of the damage
Here you are informed that the rights holder has a claim to compensation of his incurred damage. Frommer Legal then elaborates and explains the extent of the claim and what it conceptually represents. The following paragraph states that Frommer Legal client is prepared to accept lower damages. Usually this will be 700.00 EUR for a film. To justify this sum, it is then pointed out that the Federal Court applies significantly higher damage claims, such as 3,000.00 EUR.
Compensation of legal costs
In addition, in a typical Frommer Legal warning letter a claim is asserted for payment of the legal costs which have arisen through the involvement of the law firm. Frommer Legal will explain on which basis the damage claims are calculated and how these apply in your case. Usually for a warning letter concerning a movie, with an estimated value of 1,700.00 EUR, the legal costs would amount 215.00 EUR.
Following this scenario, the legal costs and the damage claims costs are estimated at 915.00 EUR.
Free check in case of a Waldorf Frommer warning letter: that's how easy it is:
- Send us the notice documents without obligation.
- We will check the legal situation and call you back as soon as possible.
- We will give you a free initial telephone consultation on the cost risk and chances of success of the case.
- On-site appointments are not required, but are also possible on request.
- We will respond immediately after instruction and handle your case promptly and on time.
Do I have the obligation to meet the claims of a Frommer Legal warning letter?

First general advice: doing nothing is not going to help. To save yourself unnecessary trouble and above all money, you should not ignore a Frommer Legal (formerly Waldorf Frommer) warning letter - you have to take action and start planing your defence. First of all, we advise all of those who reach us to keep calm. The short deadlines, although they are to be taken seriously, are also intended to frighten and scare you. Respond to them, but calmly and collectively. The rule still applies: Nothing is as bad as it looks.
We advise you not to sign anything, which has not been previously checked by a certified lawyer. This is especially important when dealing with the cease and desist declaration. You may not need to provide a declaration or an explanation. If you must send a cease and desist declaration, an experienced lawyer should check it before signing it.
In addition, we can only advise you against seeking contact with Frommer Legal. Frommer Legal and their lawyers are completely familiar with the procedure of warning letters and could possibly extract valuable information from you - this would complicate your defence.
In a free of charge initial consultation we can explain you how to deal with a Frommer Legal warning letter. We can answer all your questions in a first phone call, so that after talking to us you will have a clear view on the matter.
Court order, action or injunction from Frommer Legal?
First, we advise you to take the deadlines in the waring letter seriously and to make sure you responde within the given time. Frommer Legal enforces the claims of their clients - including in the context of a preliminary injunction proceedings - through court orders. If you have received a Frommer Legal (formerly Waldorf Frommer) court order, legal action or injunction this may mean that you have paid the warning letter too little attention. Now is absolutely the time to take action because otherwise it will only get more expensive. Also, be sure to pay attention to the deadlines set by the court, in particular, the so-called mandatory deadlines are not renewable. If they are missed, a judicial decision is issued, which in any case will trigger further costs. There are usually good prospects of successfully reducing the claim amounts in the lawsuit. In more recent law case, was possible to reduce the exorbitant amounts of compensation.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
We are competent, goal oriented and we tailore our legal services to your needs. With SOS ABMAHNUNG, in particular, you have the expertise of a specialist lawyer in copyright and media law and the support of a motivated team. Our clients appreciate our extensive experience and solution-oriented approaches in regards to the Frommer Legal warning letters. You can benefit as well from our legal experience with Frommer Legal cases. We will also be happy to assist you with all our knowledge. Our stated goal is that you will have to pay no legal fees and damages or if you have to pay lower legal fees and damages, that these are considerably reduced.
Free initial assessment of a Frommer Legal warning letter
If you have received a Frommer Legal warning letter you should seek legal advice. You are very welcome to contact us. Call us or send us your Frommer Legal warning letter by email, fax or using our contact form. You will get a free initial non-binding estimate to the question of whether the notice is actually justified. If you cannot afford a lawyer due to financial reasons, we will gladly assist you with a legal aid application. If the conditions for advisory assistance are met, the court will cover the costs of the lawyer except for your contribution in amount of EUR 15.00 incl. VAT. Also on this subject you can consult us in the context of the free initial consultation.
Try it out! Send us your notice. We will call you back and advise you free of charge. If you have received a notice or other documents, you can attach them directly to your request.
Free check in case of a Waldorf Frommer warning letter: that's how easy it is:
- Send us the notice documents without obligation.
- We will check the legal situation and call you back as soon as possible.
- We will give you a free initial telephone consultation on the cost risk and chances of success of the case.
- On-site appointments are not required, but are also possible on request.
- We will respond immediately after instruction and handle your case promptly and on time.