With a strong partner to your success: For more than 15 years, I have been advising clients in the areas of copyright, competition and trademark law.
Carl Christian Müller, LL.M
Fachanwalt für Urheber- und Medienrecht
Messages from VAAAM and RYDE - First Help Instructions:
Stay calm!
Nothing is as bad as it looks. We have experience when it comes to representation regarding warning letters in the area of copyright law.
Do not sign any documents in a hurry!
Do not make any premature promises or agree to pay the demanded amount. If you are asked to submit a cease-and-desist declaration, do not sign a prefabricated declaration without first checking it! You may be subject to high contractual penalties.
No payment or at least less!
Even if VAAAM or RYDE has sended a justified letter, in many cases the demanded amount is to high. Our goal is that you pay nothing or significantly less.
Free initial consultation
You can contact us nationwide: 030 213 003 290
All the questions you may have, our lawyers answer all these questions regarding a letter from VAAAM or RYDE.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
Defend yourself against requests for payment from RYDE / VAAAM
Do not pay more, than you have to! We were able to reduce the requested payment for several clients. Our lawyers have years of experience when it comes to warning letters in the area of copyright, competition and trademark law. Many clients think, they have no other options than to pay the requested demands. We recommend to consult a lawyer first. Our first consultation is free of charge and without commitment!
Post-Licensing-Service: Is it scam, rip-off, fake or fraud?
Unfortunately, no – the invoice from VAAAM and RYE have to be taken seriously. RYDE is a trademark by VAAAM. The VAAAM AG represents photographers, image agencies, publishers and celebrities in the enforcement of their rights.
Who is VAAAM? Who is RYDE?
VAAAM AG is a legal tech company based in Switzerland. The company's mission is to support rights holders in enforcing copyright and personal rights on the Internet. In this context, legal tech means that VAAAM uses algorithms and other technical equipment to systematically search the Internet for infringements and write to the operators of these websites. The company represents photographers, picture agencies, musicians, actors, celebrities and influencers.
RYDE (short for Reward Your Ideas) is a trademark of VAAAM. RYDE represents mainly photographers and stock agencies. Through the RYDE Licensing Program, VAAAM provides re-licensing of imagery on behalf of clients such as United Archives, Art Partner, and Instar Images. For this purpose, the company issues an invoice, which can amount to several thousand euros.
Which claims does a message from VAAAM or RYDE contain?

Law firms usually demand payment of damages, the issuance of a cease-and-desist declaration with a penalty clause and reimbursement of the legal fees incurred. Messages from RYDE are different. The legal tech company discloses the authorization to represent the photographer or the photo agency, proves the alleged unauthorized image use and offers a costly post-licensing. For this purpose, RYDE or VAAAM sends a "pro forma" invoice. In our experience, these invoices can amount to several thousand euros, depending on the number of images used and the period of use.
On the other hand, RYDE as well as VAAAM do not demand the submission of a cease-and-desist declaration with a penalty clause. Also the reimbursement of attorney's fees is not made valid. RYDE and VAAAM are initially proceeding completely without legal assistance. Nevertheless, it is clear from the documents available to us that the tech company is also authorized to take legal action if there is no response to the letter.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
You are not based in Switzerland: Do you have to take the notice seriously?
Short and sweet: Yes, you have to! Even if you live abroad, you have to take the messages from VAAAM and RYDE serious.
VAAAM and RYDE send these letters internationally. The legal tech company offers its services worldwide in over 44 countries.
Our lawyers represent clients from Germany, but also handle international requests from Austria, the Netherlands or Portugal. So wether your based in Germany or not, please do not hesitate to ask for our first consultation.
International jurisdiction of German courts
Through the Internet, infringements can potentially be committed anywhere in the world, at any time. As the Federal Court of Justice (BGH, judgment of April 21, 2016, Az. I ZR 43/14) therefore ruled, German courts generally have jurisdiction over copyright infringements insofar as the website in dispute can be accessed in Germany. In our experience, the service and recognition of German court judgments pose no obstacles, particularly in other European countries.
Do I have to pay the requested payment from VAAAM / RYDE?
We regularly advise against this, as these invoice items are not determined individually, but are calculated in a standardized manner. Instead, the specific amount must be determined that would have been incurred if the person who used the image without authorization had properly licensed the image. The operator of the website may not be placed in a better position as a result of having used the image without a license, but neither may he be placed in a worse position. The rights holder must prove how high the costs would have been for proper licensing. For this purpose, the rights holder must prove that the photograph was actually licensed in the past at the price stated.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
Do I have to respond to the letters? Is it enough to wait?
No, it is not enough to wait. A reaction is required. The business model of VAAAM AG / RYDE is to collect post-licensing fees for the serviced rights holders. This also means that it is essential for the legal tech company to collect certain amounts of money. VAAAM AG and RYDE are also authorized to seek legal assistance if you do not respond at all.
Minimize additional costs
If VAAAM / RYDE makes use of the support of a lawyer, this automatically produces additional costs. This must be avoided! You are welcome to use our initial consultation with a lawyer. Our initial consultation is free of charge and without obligation.
Does it make sense to issue a cease-and-desist declaration as a preventive measure?
If you have only been asked to pay the post-licensing fee so far, it may make sense to issue a cease-and-desist declaration as a preventive measure. This is especially the case if the demand is set too high and should not be paid in full. If VAAAM AG or RYDE entrusts the matter to a lawyer for enforcement, you run the risk that the entrusted lawyer will assert a possible claim for injunctive relief. Claims for injunctive relief are regularly associated with comparatively high object values. In the case of commercial use of a photo, this can amount to up to EUR 6,000 per photo, resulting in attorney's fees of EUR 480.20. This cost item should be avoided at all costs.
I have received a letter from VAAAM / RYDE. What can I do?
You are welcome to send us the letter or the sent invoice (post licensing costs) via our warning free check. Our lawyers will check the letter and call you back for a free and non-binding first consultation. We will review your case and make sure that - if there is indeed an unauthorized use - you pay only the appropriate amount. Providers, such as RYDE or VAAAM, automatically calculate the post-licensing fee. Our attorneys look at each case individually and negotiate the appropriate amount for you.
Initial consultation without obligation and guaranteed free for charge.
- Call us 24/7 hours
- Free initial assessment
- international clients welcome
SOS Abmahnung: Our goal!
We place a high value on the conscientious, targeted and individual handling of your request! At SOS Recht, the expertise of several lawyers, including specialist lawyers for media and copyright law as well as industrial property law, is at your disposal. Our goal is for you to either pay nothing at all or at least pay less. We always have your financial interests in mind and work in a solution-oriented manner.
Feel free to use our SOS Legal Free Check and talk to a lawyer today. Our initial consultation is guaranteed to be free and without obligation!
Letter from VAAAM / RYDE: First aid!
Have the letter checked by a lawyer: Call us, send us your documents via e-mail, fax or via our contact form. Our lawyers will be happy to advise you in an initial consultation, completely free of charge and without obligation. We work at fair flat rates, which remunerate the entire out-of-court representation. If you cannot afford a lawyer for economic reasons, we will be happy to assist you in filing an application for legal aid. If you meet the requirements, the court cashier will pay the costs of your lawyer and you only have to pay a personal contribution of EUR 15.00 including VAT. Please do not hesitate to contact our attorneys about the application for legal aid!
Free check: that's how easy it is:
- Send us the notice documents without obligation.
- We will check the legal situation and call you back as soon as possible.
- We will give you a free initial telephone consultation on the cost risk and chances of success of the case.
- On-site appointments are not required, but are also possible on request.
- We will respond immediately after instruction and handle your case promptly and on time.
What we can do for you:
Take advantage of our free initial assessment. With us, you speak to a lawyer - not a call center.
And this is how it works:
1. Simply send us your warning via the contact form.
2. One of our experienced lawyers will look at your warning, comprehensively check the legal situation and call you back as soon as possible. Guaranteed free of charge!
3. After the telephone conversation you will receive an e-mail with all relevant information. You can then calmly consider whether you want us to represent you.
Was darf die Abmahnung
Sie haben eine Abmahnung erhalten und fragen sich mit welchen Kosten zu rechnen ist? Dann sind Sie hier richtig! Wir klären Sie über die wichtigsten Fragen auf und geben Ihnen wertvolle Ratschläge.
Sie haben eine Abmahnung erhalten und fragen sich, ob Sie die Unterlassungserklärung unterschreiben müssen? Sie haben drei Reaktionsmöglichkeiten! Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Informationen zur Unterlassungserklärung.
Senden Sie uns Ihre Abmahnung zu! Sie erhalten von uns eine garantiert kostenfreie telefonische Erstberatung. Profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung aus mehreren tausend verteidigten Abmahnungen. Einfach und unkompliziert.
Dies ist ein Typoblindtext. An ihm kann man sehen, ob alle Buchstaben da sind und wie sie aussehen. Manchmal benutzt man Worte wie Hamburgefonts, Rafgenduks oder Handgloves, um Schriften zu testen. Manchmal Sätze, die alle Buchstaben des Alphabets enthalten - man nennt diese Sätze »Pangrams«.